The hothead known as Gassy is best known for his well-publicized arrest after being caught performing oral sex on a small town sheriff, and for his volatile temper. He's banned from most St. Louis LGBT bars for assaulting patrons. (He even verbally assaults the sheriff, who by all accounts is a very nice guy, when he sees him at JJ's - which is one bar he's not banned from).
People asked me to write about him for some time, but I didn't until he declared war on me early this year, allowing himself to be used as Blooper's pawn. On behalf of Blooper he vowed to take me down, along with anyone who comments on my posts, "one. by. one." and began a campaign of harassment and intimidation against a writer after Blooper revealed the pseudonym used in his popular magazine column.

Family Feud:
While perusing social media Gassy learned that his own relatives had read my book, Delusions of Grandeur, which he considered a betrayal, and unfriended them as a result.
Before the release he claimed he was in 44 pages of the book. He's not mentioned or even alluded to in the critically acclaimed work.
Nobody likes Gassy.
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