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Brian Toppins |
I sensed something wasn't right from the start, when my friend Matthew Bono-Thompson told me about his house guests and the series of unfortunate (and unbelievable) mishaps that left them "between places" at the moment.
Days turned into weeks and it was clear the pair were in no hurry to move on, then Bono and his husband began to notice valuables were missing.
When Bono found many of his items hidden among the guests' belongings, the police were called and charges were filed.
Within days of being thrown out of Bono's apartment on the Hill, the couple reportedly stole $500 and a Wii from a Granite City man who took them in - money which was to go for rent.
Today, the pair posted they were hitching to Florida with a gay trucker named Robert. If anyone comes across them do not let them in your home or vehicle.
They appear friendly until they realize you know about their history, and then they become threatening.
Stay tuned for updates.
Angie Sutton, a disabled woman, said she was robbed by the pair. Many others are telling their stories in the comments.
****UPDATE**** 6/26/16 ***
It was Florida or bust, and bust it was. Both are locked up near the Lake of the Ozarks.
I'd like to point out that Brian Toppins is the same person who claimed I drugged him and tied him up in my basement for a week. On a side note...if I would actually drug someone and keep them tied up they'd be a lot hotter and younger than Brian. Someone like Nick Jonas!!!! He'd be worth the 20 year prison sentence.
ReplyDeleteDid you have any interactions with him/them?
DeleteI've never even met him. Didn't know he existed until he made those claims. He isn't important enough to even bleep on my radar.
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ReplyDeleteThey stole the $500 out of my wallet while my BF and I were sleeping. When I went to go grab the money order to fill it out it was missing. I then went and checked their room. The first thing I noticed was they stole the Wii,, claiming they forgot something in their room when in fact they were handing belongings out the window to the other in the car, as I also discovered all their things gone as well. When I confronted them they tried playing stupid. They acted as if they didn't steal the $500 tried to blame it on my BF. Saying that I guess we're the scapegoats. Problem is why would my BF steal it, when he makes more than enough money? They did cough up to stealing the Wii. Both are known drug addicts and they will steal you blind to feed their addiction.
ReplyDeleteRather than ostracize them...wouldn't it be better if we found them somehow and offered to get them help. Treat their addiction rather than alienating them for a disease that they can't control?
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DeleteJosh if you have something you'd like to say to me feel free to message me directly.
DeleteLol I responded to your comment with a one word response. I said, "No." They should be ostracized for stealing from others and made to feel lousy.
DeleteThey won't feel remorse until they are healthy enough to understand what they did and the consequences of it. Mentally ill people (drug addicts) can't empathize or sympathize because their concentration is on their own need to relieve the pain that they are in.
DeleteHelp them get sober, then they can reflect on their actions and how they hurt others. That is how you help someone change.
The first priority is to prevent others from getting scammed and robbed.
DeleteI can see that. But to break the cycle they need to wake up. Maybe jail is the wakeup call that they need. It doesn't rehabilitate many people...but for some it does. Regardless of the form of intervention...they need help.
DeleteLOL. I hate you Chris. I am too busy for you to send me Britney videos.
ReplyDeletePiss off...only a thief would encourage letting another thief off the hook. This is what he does. Even those who are their only friend left in the world.
ReplyDeletePiss off...only a thief would encourage letting another thief off the hook. This is what he does. Even those who are their only friend left in the world.
ReplyDeleteIf the copa were after me why did they not call me back when i talked to them over your missing cell phone? They have my number i met with them they aske why this insane man who looked homeless himself was blamming me for this and they thought you were on drugs and you are pot is a drug but i didnt tell them you had drugs in your apartment i was not vindictive at all. Im better than thatm you all are making complete asses of ypirself thanks for the entertainment Matt. Was I not working full time until ypu went to mt job with insane issues. Making a homeless person lose their job is not what i call a stand up citizen no matter what you think they did to you
DeleteIf the copa were after me why did they not call me back when i talked to them over your missing cell phone? They have my number i met with them they aske why this insane man who looked homeless himself was blamming me for this and they thought you were on drugs and you are pot is a drug but i didnt tell them you had drugs in your apartment i was not vindictive at all. Im better than thatm you all are making complete asses of ypirself thanks for the entertainment Matt. Was I not working full time until ypu went to mt job with insane issues. Making a homeless person lose their job is not what i call a stand up citizen no matter what you think they did to you
DeleteI sense tension
DeleteI didn't say let them off the hook. I said someone needs to get them help. Would you rather them continue to spiral further downward until they die?
ReplyDeleteIf you are a drug addict you will always be an addict. You might be sober...but once an addict always an addict. Do some research on the subject before you try to correct me. Retardation is a mental illness I hear also. But I don't want to make you feel bad about yourself.
ReplyDeleteDustin I'd rather be called retarted than be a lying prick! And frankly I'd not feel bad about myself if I were mentally challenged. I would however feel horrible about myself if I felt the need to proclaim to be something in not. Like remember that time you posted photos of my downtown loft saying it was yours???
DeleteAgain... Addiction is NOT a mental illness.
Ummmm...I don't even know who you are.
DeleteYears ago when pride was held at tower grove Brian Toppins and his then boyfriend (not Eric) were pulling tricks in the port-a-potty's to get money for dope, I witnessed it and they both came over and told my group of friends about it thinking it was funny. I was disgusted, because Brian's bf at the time was openly "positive" & being careless to innocent strangers who were none the wiser.
ReplyDeleteMy gf at the time (early 2000's) was Brian's childhood babysitter and just this past January he & Eric stole from her too. These are dispicapable humans.
Weren't people calling them "Toilet-trick Rick & Portapotty Johnny?"
DeleteOMG!!!! That's so horrible...but funny at the same time. I just snorted while taking a drink of Dr. Pepper and it came out my nose. Chris perhaps Josh can create a meme for them.
DeleteThis has beeb screenshot and sent to police....Anfi Sutton is a Heroin addict and I have done more meth with patrice clements than Angie Sutton did!
DeleteBrian I've certainly been beyond honest about past drug use. I have ZERO secrets. I've also NEVER ever ever stolen a dime or otherwise from anyone. And me ever doing any sort of drug with you was so 15+ years ago.
DeleteIt's a common theme amongst many people who all ironically have the exact same story about you. You've stolen money, goods, and anything that wasn't nailed down to the floor from more people than just us folks who are commenting on this story. The facts are undeniable. The sooner you accept that you are an addict, that you are a thief and that you are probably a sociopath because you have zero conscience about the wrong doings you continue to do, the better off you and the rest of the world will be.
I openly admitted that that I've done drugs, probably drank too much at times, but my life looks NOTHING like that now and the ONLY person who I hurt along my path was MYSELF. It sucks to take inventory of your wrong doings and make amends to those you've hurt, but I urge you to try. It will be the best thing that you could ever do for yourself.
Well said Patrice. Acknowledge past mistakes, make amends where possible, and leave it behind you...but always remember the lesson that it taught you.
DeleteBrian if you really want to get better and find a program as you work the steps you will be able to make amends. Some will forgive you, some won't. But you will be healthier. You have to want it though. No one can force you to change the path that you are on.
I can't speak for anyone on this feed. But if they have an ounce of empathy and you asked them to help you find treatment first and then show them that you are changing through your actions...I am sure that they will eventually forgive you. But you have to take those steps.
Throwing Patrice's past mistakes in her face shows just how sick you are. Her past has nothing to do with your present day actions. Pointing out her past is only an attempt to distract attention from your problems.
Please get help. If you don't it will get much much worse. When I was in rehab I met a man who actually stole his 85 year old father's social security check (the old mans only source of income) just so that he could get high for a few days. It doesn't sound like you've hit rock bottom yet...but let me tell you from experience...when you do it is a hard, long, and lonely climb back up.
This is Angie Sutton. Just to clear a couple things up.. I am a RECOVERING heroin addict. And as for Patrice.. I'm also the ex she was talking about from back n 2000. She was NEVER a meth addict. She did nothing but try to help us get r shit together. I'll be the first one to admit i was a horrible person back then and still was up until recently. But I will not stand by and let Patrice be lied about on here. Especially something as ridiculous as that. I finally got my shit together. Brian was my very best friend for 25 years. But I cut all ties in January. I still pray he can somehow get better. But I know better than anyone, until u want it... it will NEVER happen!!
DeleteI am not going to try to refute your opinion of them. I don't care from Brian either. But there has to be something below the surface that he needs help with. Any 12 step program will tell you that.
ReplyDelete"Below the surface" as in your basement?
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ReplyDeleteDidnt Dustin Mitchell get in trouble for impersonating a lawyer and collecting false funds for his dead bfs funeral have you all lost your minds? And Dustin is the ONLY one making any kinds of sense and not sounding like a child grow up and mind your own business. I know more shit on mostnof you people but do you see me calling the cops or making a blog on someone i have never even met. Kick someone while they are down thats smart
ReplyDeleteYour complaint about being kicked while you are down is both illogical and somewhat ironic. Given that John has been telling everyone the truth, you have both neglected to return to his home or ask to meet him in a public place in order to tell your side of the story. In fact, what is your side of the story in the latest report that the two of you are lying and thieving opportunists? It's easy to point a finger at everyone else. Try pointing that finger at yourselves and tell us all what really happened from your vantage point.
DeleteI guarantee you don't have shit on me, unless it's that I'm a slut, which everyone already knows. How do you explain all of Matt and Dave's shit being in your bags? What's your defense? Is it some plot twist from a soap opera, like Matt and Dave wanted you out, so they threw their stuff in your bags to make it look like you stole them? Why did someone unrelated also say you stole a money order and Wii from him days later? Is this all some mass conspiracy to take you good people down? Lol. Please. Admit that you are thieves and you stole the shit because you needed money for bills or drugs or whatever. No one believes you are these poor victims of circumstance. We know the people you stole from and they are trustworthy.
DeleteToppins I think you stole Matty's copy of my book, Delusions of Grandeur. You should read it. Some of the stories are relevant to the discussion.
DeleteMuch like the Bible...it's mostly fiction...but you can take some positive and morally affirming concepts from it. ;)
DeleteHaha you can make a meme. I own my sluttiness lol
DeleteI wouldn't want to make assumptions based on rumor and funny meme's are generally lacking validity and fact.
DeleteIf they did, would you stay and answer their questions or defend the honor you say you have? Or would you run away in terror on the off chance that they would have or will call the police to have you arrested? Because there seems to be a number of people with an issue with you both.
ReplyDeleteHow many times have you your self done meth with me Patricia? Before your gastric bipass surgery overeating is an addiction too as well as meth use. And the night yoy say i stole money from you you had given myself and my ecstasy dont play innocent
ReplyDeleteThere's a METHod to your madness.
ReplyDeleteYou're watching Andoetainment
ReplyDeleteI really hate that you call it that.
DeleteThis is Brian's mother he was found wrists slit in a park in Louisiana today good job everyone
ReplyDeleteIf that is true it is tragic and I am sorry for your loss. What county may I ask?
DeleteAnd more so where was the concern when they needed a home? You wouldn't let them live with you. Brian likes to tell everyone his family has a lot of money, which we also know not true.
DeleteNobody was concerned for him when he was robbing us blind. If you have insurance for him I WILL sue for it. I will get that money before they even bury his diseased body. Trust.
This is Brian's mother he was found wrists slit in a park in Louisiana today good job everyone
ReplyDeleteGood! I better get a copy of the death certificate.
DeleteI do have access to the people he is riding with at the moment.
I only need to send a message and ask
I can find that out in 2 messages.
DeleteAfter allegedly slitting his wrists he changed his relationship status to single.
DeleteAnd only deactivated 1 of three accounts.
DeleteEric hadnt posted about his missing "husband" (not married)
And conveniently leaves out that Brian stabbed him. We first thought Brian was the brains and the cause. We quickly learned he has no measurable level of intelligence.
I tracked them down from two words in a post. They cannot even compete on the same level, much less the same arena.
And only deactivated 1 of three accounts.
DeleteEric hadnt posted about his missing "husband" (not married)
And conveniently leaves out that Brian stabbed him. We first thought Brian was the brains and the cause. We quickly learned he has no measurable level of intelligence.
I tracked them down from two words in a post. They cannot even compete on the same level, much less the same arena.
And come on Brian...you stole your mother's wedding rings and she wants naught to do with ya.
ReplyDeleteCame up one time to bring clothes, then you used her as the person that robbed my husband for another 50 dollars.
Your own mother doesn't want you because even she knows there is nothing you can do to fix either of you.
Damaged is damaged.
And come on Brian...you stole your mother's wedding rings and she wants naught to do with ya.
ReplyDeleteCame up one time to bring clothes, then you used her as the person that robbed my husband for another 50 dollars.
Your own mother doesn't want you because even she knows there is nothing you can do to fix either of you.
Damaged is damaged.
LMDAO! #YouWin
ReplyDeleteSo if Brian is dead, why did I get a message they are at lake of the ozarks because they have jobs?
ReplyDeleteDo not think for a minute I won't find you.
Seriously Meeshu will overturn every Portapotty in the Ozarks until he finds 'em
ReplyDeleteOver 6g in cash,jewelry, and electronics.
ReplyDeleteOver 6g in cash,jewelry, and electronics.
ReplyDeleteThis happened all at once or over time?
DeleteOver a couple weeks. I went to school woth Eric and whe. He told me he was homeless, I helped.
DeleteOver the first week it was great then stuff started missing. Then cash, then in the next few days I saw my clothes in their bags, that were my bags anyway.
I have all their smartass replies. He tried saying the cop insulted me. I was standing next to the cop the entire time. That cop wasn't in a rush to leave other than asked if we could go back outside because their clothes smelled SO BAD HE WAS GAGGING.
You didn't bother to ask why they were homeless?
DeleteI asked. They saidnthat they got jobs and a place to stay from thr lady and that her husband started making advances at them so she kicked them out.
DeleteNone of our previous friends had said how they had been taken by him before.
I am not fixing typos at 5 a.m
DeleteI am not fixing typos at 5 a.m
DeleteWell it makes me think more highly of you for being willing to help them when they were supposedly in need. I am sorry that you were taken advantage of. Just let karma work.
ReplyDeleteThanks. They are in jail with 2 new felony charges awaiting. I took thrm in my home. Fed them gave them fresh clothes. Smoked my weed and drank my drink and robbing me. Slept on my couch, nearly set my house on fire and it wasn't until I had proof. Once I have proof, there is no telling what I will do. Like track someone down in a truck traveling across the country with 2 words to go on
ReplyDeleteThanks. They are in jail with 2 new felony charges awaiting. I took thrm in my home. Fed them gave them fresh clothes. Smoked my weed and drank my drink and robbing me. Slept on my couch, nearly set my house on fire and it wasn't until I had proof. Once I have proof, there is no telling what I will do. Like track someone down in a truck traveling across the country with 2 words to go on
ReplyDeleteOh Eric, I wish you would do better for yourself. I know Eric. He and I were together for 6 years going on 7. Sometimes I feel bad because I gave up on him, however I had a life to live myself and I needed to be happy and we were both unhappy together. I don't know anything about Brian and I honestly don't know who Eric is today, what I do know is Eric isn't a horrible person. He is doing crappy things so hopefully a little jail and cleaning up will guide him in the right direction. I will always hope for the best for that guy but doesn't seem like things are getting better for him. I hope God can guide him out of the journey he's in and direct him to a more positive direction.
ReplyDeleteOh Eric, I wish you would do better for yourself. I know Eric. He and I were together for 6 years going on 7. Sometimes I feel bad because I gave up on him, however I had a life to live myself and I needed to be happy and we were both unhappy together. I don't know anything about Brian and I honestly don't know who Eric is today, what I do know is Eric isn't a horrible person. He is doing crappy things so hopefully a little jail and cleaning up will guide him in the right direction. I will always hope for the best for that guy but doesn't seem like things are getting better for him. I hope God can guide him out of the journey he's in and direct him to a more positive direction.
ReplyDeleteI met Brian a few weeks ago when i was relocating to Missouri from Ohio. I had the opportunity of getting to know him and his mother. He had even showed me this site and comments to come clean with his past with me and the horrible ways he had acted while on drugs. He is doing everything he can to keep hinself clean and going to court to admit to mistakes and take responsibility for what he had done. I see the things that have been posted about him have been several years ago. But people can change and own up to their mistakes in that time. He admitted to me that he was dealing with addiction and a bad relationship and that led to alot of his actions back then. Please have a kind heart knwoing that he is trying and has made a huge progress from the things you guys have been posting. He has a heart of gold and helped me after coming to his home with his home for a short vacay before relocating to St.Louis. you all have reasons to be hateful and have bad feelings towards him. But he has made tremendous progress and is dealing with his past addictions everyday
ReplyDeleteI am just going back and reading some of these comments and I am disheartened by how horrible most of you are. I mean...do you not have lives other than gossip and tearing people down? Does it make you feel better about your own tragic existence? At some point you have to focus on yourselves and stay out of other peoples business.
ReplyDeleteDustin Mitchell